Green Shakshuka with Charmoula

Recipe by Calvin Roberson of Stockpot Cuisine

“One of my favorite meals is Brunch. Often it's an underrated or forgotten time, but there are so many different types of cuisines that fit perfectly on a brunch menu. This Green Shakshuka is a vegetarian & hearty Brunch dish, all can enjoy.

A traditional shakshuka is a Maghrebi specialty made with a tomato sauce, yet this recipe takes the original and turns it on it's head to create a savory meal highlighting Planted's fresh & delicious produce in both the main dish and the Charmoula Sauce. The Pak Choi, Kale, and various microgreens are the perfect way to celebrate a delicious twist on a classic dish! Happy Brunching!” -Calvin

CHARMOULA SAUCE (makes approximately 1 cup)


1 tablespoon cumin seeds 

2 garlic cloves, minced 

1 cup Planted Cilantro Microgreens 

1/2 cup Planted Parsley Microgreens 

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 

1 1/2 teaspoons paprika 

1 teaspoon harissa 

3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil  


Toast cumin seeds in small sauté pan over medium heat until lightly toasted, about 2-3  minutes. Transfer to mortar and pestle, add garlic and pound with pestle until paste  forms. Transfer to bowl. Add lemon juice, paprika, harissa, and olive oil. Stir until combined. Fold in cilantro and parsley, season with salt and pepper.  

Serve at room temperature. 

Note: If a mortar & pestle are not available, one can use a sealed bag and crush with a heavy object.



2 tablespoon olive oil 
1 yellow onion thinly sliced 
4 garlic cloves thinly sliced 
2 cups of Planted Detroit Pak Choi
2 cups of Planted Detroit Kale Mix
1/2 teaspoon salt 
1/2 cup heavy cream 
8 large eggs  
4oz cotija cheese 
1/3 cup of Planted Detroit Cilantro  
1/3 cup Planted Detroit Red Radish Microgreens
1/3 cup Planted Detroit Broccoli Microgreens 
1/2 cup Planted Detroit Arugula Microgreens  
1/2 avocado sliced 
1 jalapeño sliced 
1 lime sliced into wedges for serving 
Tortillas for serving 


Heat oil in a large cast-iron or sauté pan over medium heat. Add onion and sauté for 3  minutes. Add garlic and cook an additional 3 minutes.  

Increase the heat to medium high and add the Pak Choi and Kale to the pan. Cook until  wilted, 3-4 minutes. Season with salt and pour in the heavy cream. Stir and reduce  cream for 2 minutes. Gently crack each egg into the pan lower the heat and cover with a  lid or foil until the eggs are set 7-8 minutes.  

Turn off heat and remove the lid. Garnish with cilantro, red radish, broccoli, arugula,  avocado, jalapeño and cotija cheese. Serve with charmoula sauce and tortilla.

Green Shakshuka_1.jpg Green Shakshuka_2.jpg


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